Naples Outfitters
Naples Outfitters has been serving Southwest Florida since 2004 as the top destination for outdoor gear, rentals, tours, lessons, and all things people-powered and fun on the water.
We offer the most affordable rental rates for kayaks and paddleboards in all of Naples and southwest Florida, as well as the only guided tours led by REAL LOCAL BIOLOGISTS in the region.
Visit our shop for the best outdoor equipment in the region, free expert advice and outfitting services, kayak and paddleboard repair, exploration consultation and adventure planning, or just stop into the Service Bar for a cold beverage after a day of adventure!
Naples Outfitters is fully staffed with experts who use these products every day and are here to share their knowledge and experience with you.
We are guides, teachers, campers, anglers, and self-diagnosed gear heads. Whether you are looking to get on the water, on the trails, going on a big adventure, or anything outdoors, we've got you covered with all the gear and knowledge to go with it. Naples Outfitters aims to be your one-stop shop for exploring the outdoors and our wild SWFL backyard.
Details & Amenities
- Accessible Parking
- Accessible Restroom
- ADA Compliant
- Wheelchair Lift or Ramp
- Zero-step Entry Available
- Backwater Fishing
- Birding
- Camping
- Canoeing
- Fishing
- Kayaking
- Natural Wildlife Viewing
- Shelling
- Swamp Walks
- Open Now
- Dates Closed: none
- Hours: 10-6
- Family Friendly
- LGBTQ+ Friendly
- Meeting/Tour Groups Welcome
- Pets on Leash Allowed
- American Express
- Discover
- MasterCard
- Visa
- Canoe Rental
- Fishing Rental
- Kayak Rental
- Paddleboard Rental
- Paddleboat Rental
- Watersport/Beach Gear Rental
- Accessories
- Beachwear/Swimwear
- Books & Music
- Clothing
- Gifts
- Pet Accessories
- Shoes
- Shopping Areas
- Souvenir Shops
- Specialty Shops
- Sporting Equipment
- Customized Tours
- Guided Tours
- Self-Guided tours